Windows 98 in 2009
Recently Ihave done some research on Microsoft Windows 98 to see what was going on withit in the year 2009. When I began my search I found nothing just old helptopics, but I came across a MSFN topiclabeled KernelEX.I read the topic and discovered that it allowed some XP only programs to run onWindows 98. So like any geek I just had to try it! So I fired up MicrosoftVirtual PC 2007 and installed a fresh copy of Windows 98. I ran it the installit was easy then it was time to see what it could do! I started by installingFirefox 3 it ran setup just fine and when I went to test it worked with noissues. I tried various other things that only work on XP just to see if theywould work and some did. I continued to browse their forums to see what othersurprises they had for me.
I foundloads of different unofficial 98 support topics some of which the average usercan install without any trouble at all. I found unofficial service packs forwindows 98 and I even found a theme pack that skins Windows 98 SE with XP’stheme. (Figure 1_A below). Most of the unofficial updates will help keepWindows 98 alive longer you should take a look if you still use Windows 98,98SE, and ME it will extend the life of your computer. Also take a look at theWindows 98 still Alive Campaign.
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